Nitrogen Generation Package For The Orlan Chemical Injection & Storage Upgrade Project
December 29, 2017 Welcome

The Sakhalin Island is home to one of the largest oil and gas projects in Russia. The operator of this consortium, Exxon Neftegas Limited, produces oil and gas off the northeast coast of the Sakhalin Island in the Russian Far East. The development includes the offshore Orlan platform, which was built to withstand earthquakes and difficult sea ice conditions.
IFS recently completed the design, material supply, fabrication, testing and preparation for shipment of the Orlan Nitrogen Skid Package for the Orlan Chemical Injection and Storage Upgrade project. Onsite N2 generation is an alternate solution to buying N2 in bottles.
The Nitrogen Generation Unit was designed to provide inert gas (nitrogen) for blanketing of chemical storage tanks. Design criteria for the unit is as follows:
- N2 Purity: 97%
- Nitrogen Flow Rate Required: 18.8 m3/hr (standard conditions at 15.6 C and 101.3 kPa)
- Skid Inlet Pressure: 860 kPag (Air supply pressure)
- Skid Outlet Pressure: 689 kPag (based on existing regulator set points)
- Design Pressure: 1793 kPag (per Utility Flow Diagram and downstream equipment of compressors)
- Operating Temperature: 35 C
- Design Temperature: -44 to 93 C
- Air Flow Rate: 80 Nm3/hr
This video is from ExxonMobile featuring the Orlan Platform in Sakhalin Island.