Fuel Gas Conditioning Membrane Packages

Natural Gas Fuel Optimization & Processing Membrane Package System
Skid-Mounted Modular System, Engineered-to-Order
Integrated Flow Solutions Fuel Gas Conditioning Membrane Packages are designed to optimize natural gas fuel for natural gas engines and natural gas turbines.
IFS Membrane Packages are utilized for:
- Natural Gas Heavy Hydrocarbon Removal or Dew Point Control
- Natural Gas Processing
- Hydrogen Sulfide Removal (H2S)
- Carbon Dioxide Removal (CO2)
- Water Removal (H2O)
Recover saleable hydrocarbons > $$ (IFS can help with payback analysis. See PDF below.)
Applications for IFS Membrane Systems
- Remote Compressor Stations with raw fuel derates and requiring BTU value adjustments
- Generator sets with fuel quality de-rates
- Sour Gas Production sites w/o access to clean gas
- N2 & CO2 removal at wellhead
- Compression sites requiring Emissions reductions
Features of Membrane Systems
- Hydrocarbon specific separation technology
- Simple Passive, Compact packaged System
- 100 % USA Technology & Manufacture
- On Site Tech/Cmrcl Analysis including
- Aspen Process Sim & PFD Generation
- Process Guarantee
- Factory Trained/Certified Technicians
- 24/7 USA Customer service (800-527-8724)
Industry Standards:

- Membrane & vessels code stamped ASME Section VIII & National Board Registered
- Piping Designed to ANSI B31.1 / B31.3
- Pipe Fab to ASME Section IX
- ISO 9001 : 2008
Benefits of IFS Membrane Systems:
- Optimize fuel gas heating (BTU) value
- Reduce Emissions
- Increase Engine Life
- Lower Engine Operating Temp.
- Increase Available Engine HP
- Maintain OEM Engine Warranty
- Recover saleable hydrocarbons > $$
- Small footprint, easily transportable
- Low Maintenance – no moving parts
- Low Capital & Operating Costs
- Low Power Consumption