Company News
IFS Exhibits at the 2018 ISHM SHOW
July 6, 2018 Welcome

IFS recently exhibited a 3” LACT unit and Pumpworks Progressive Cavity Pump at the INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF HYDROCARBON MEASUREMENT show from May 15-17, 2018 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Nick Miller, IFS PSM Application Engineer and William Shepherd, IFS PSM Project Manager attended the school and show for IFS.
ISHM is believed to be the oldest petroleum industry school in the Free World devoted to fluid measurement and control. The School dates from 1924 when the first three-day session was organized as the Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (SGMSC).
The purpose of the School, with the cooperation and support of the University of Oklahoma, other sponsoring associations, regulatory commissions, the operating companies within the petroleum industry and the manufacturing firms who service the industry, is to provide instruction in both technical and non-technical subjects for personnel in the industry. In this way, problems that pertain to the measurement, control, and handling of both gaseous and liquid hydrocarbons may be studied so that useful and accurate information can be developed and published for the benefit of the public in general. The data and information found in the school classrooms and in the published Proceedings provides great value to all who are engaged in this phase of the industry.