Instrument Air Packages, Nitrogen Generation Packages, Projects
Instrument Air & Nitrogen Generation Package for Iraq
October 28, 2014 Welcome

Sistema Combinado de Generación de Nitrógeno y Aire de Instrumentos para Shell Iraq Petroleum Development (SIPD)

Sistema Combinado de Generación de Nitrógeno y Aire de Instrumentos para Shell Iraq Petroleum Development (SIPD)

Sistema Combinado de Generación de Nitrógeno y Aire de Instrumentos para Shell Iraq Petroleum Development (SIPD)

Sistema Combinado de Generación de Nitrógeno y Aire de Instrumentos para Shell Iraq Petroleum Development (SIPD)

Sistema Combinado de Generación de Nitrógeno y Aire de Instrumentos para Shell Iraq Petroleum Development (SIPD)

Sistema Combinado de Generación de Nitrógeno y Aire de Instrumentos para Shell Iraq Petroleum Development (SIPD)
Project Overview
Majnoon in Southern Iraq is one of the world’s largest oil fields. Shell Iraq Petroleum Development (SIPD) won the contract to develop the Majnoon oilfield on behalf of the Iraqi Government’s Southern Oil Company (SOC) in 2009. On September 20, 2013, the first well had been successfully opened and production restarted at Majnoon. The SIPD Majnoon production facility includes sophisticated oil & gas separation, treatment, and transmission equipment.
The Challenge
Solar Turbines ranks as a world leader in industrial turbines and compressors up to 25,000 hp. SIPD contracted Solar Turbines to supply 2 MARS 100 combustion turbines driving two C51-5 / C33 high-speed centrifugal compressors to compress produced natural gas into a transmission pipeline. The Solar Centrifugal compressors use nitrogen to pressurize the compressor seals during startup. SIPD and Solar agreed that a combined Instrument Air and Nitrogen Generation Package would be required to supply both instrument air for utility and nitrogen at the site.
Instrument Air and Nitrogen Generation Package Requirements
- Instrument Air: 150 SCFM @ 125 psig of -40°F instrument air
- Nitrogen: 50 SCFM of 94% nitrogen with a dew point of at -20°F to -40°F.
Project Contracted By
Solar Turbines
For Use In
Majnoon, Iraq
The IFS Solution
IFS offered to supply skid-mounted process systems that are prepackaged, tested Instrument Air and Nitrogen Generation system to meet the project requirements in an accelerated schedule of 16 weeks. Due to the remote location of the package extensive witnessed testing was conducted by both Solar and Shell to minimize the startup time at the site and ensure trouble-free operation.
See also:
Nitrogen Generator Skid Systems: Modular, Engineered-to-Order, Shipped Ready to Plug In
Tags: Iraq