Fuel Pump Packages, Projects
Pump & Metering Packages for Fuel Storage Facilities in Ghana
September 23, 2014 Welcome

IFS Pump & Metering Packages for Fuel Storage Facility in Ghana

IFS Pump & Metering Packages for Fuel Storage Facility in Ghana

IFS Pump & Metering Packages for Fuel Storage Facility in Ghana

IFS Pump & Metering Packages for Fuel Storage Facility in Ghana

IFS Pump & Metering Packages for Fuel Storage Facility in Ghana

IFS Pump & Metering Packages for Fuel Storage Facility in Ghana
Project Overview
In 2012, American Tank & Vessel Inc. received a $109MM Ex-Im Bank guarantee for the development of storage facilities in Ghana for the Bulk Oil Storage Transportation Company (BOST). In addition to site constructed storage tanks/piping, the AT&V contracted IFS to supply the following:
- 1 Gasoline Transfer Pump Package (2 pumps)
- 1 Diesel Transfer Pump Package (2 pumps)
- 1 600 HP Pipeline Pump Package
- 1 Ship Loose Spare Pipeline Pump
- 1 Ship Loose 600 HP Motor & Coupling
- 1 ADP Site Metering Package
- 1 Akosombo Metering Package
- 1 Firewater Pump Package
Project Specs
- API 2610, API 610, NFPA 20, ANSI B73.1 standards.
APD Site:
- Three 20,000 cu. meter cone roof storage tanks: 1 for gasoline storage and 2 for diesel fuel storage
Akosombo Site:
- Two 5,000 cu. meter cone roof storage tanks: 1 for gasoline storage and 1 for diesel fuel storage
Savelugu Site:
- Two 5,000 cu. meter cone roof storage tanks: 1 for gasoline storage and 1 for diesel fuel storage
Project Contracted By
American Tank & Vessel, Inc.
For Use In
Mobile, AL
The Challenge
AT&V was looking for a partner who could provide a complete design engineering package consisting of Process & Instrument Diagrams (P&IDs), Design Philosophy, General Arrangement Drawings, Controls Philosophy and Equipment Modules with the maximum amount of packaging to minimize site construction.
The IFS Solution
AT&V and IFS began working together to develop the preliminary module P&IDs, Bills of Materials, footprint drawings, and cost estimates. Once AT&V received the Ex-Im bank guarantee, the project moved into the execution phase, but was phased to match payments from the project. All equipment modules were completed, export boxed, and ocean freighted to the jobsite where AT&V installed and commissioned them.
Tags: Ghana